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Change in road circulation on Avenida Emídio Navarro

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As construction work continues on the Alto de São João – Toll section of the Mondego Mobility System (SMM), under the responsibility of Infraestruturas de Portugal (IP), a change in road circulation will be implemented on Avenida Emídio Navarro, between the Nova and Largo da Portagem, essential for the safe execution of the work that will take place from January 29th, Wednesday, for around a month.

Therefore, during this period, work will be carried out on the road strip next to the buildings, meaning that road traffic in the direction of Portagem > Estação Nova will be carried out via the Metrobus channel. In the opposite direction, circulation will remain as it is.

The image shows the road traffic flows, as well as the stopping areas for ambulances, public transport and loading and unloading.

The pedestrian circuits remain unchanged, with intervention only in the road area.

The work scheduled for this section includes:
• Connection to the sanitation network;
• Connection to the telecommunications network;
• Execution and connection of gutters;
• Demolition of the existing pavement;
• Paving;
• Execution of curbstones;
• Urban integration.

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