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Closure of Coimbra Railway Station

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Metro Mondego (MM), CP – Comboios de Portugal and Infraestruturas de Portugal (IP) inform that the Coimbra Railway Station will be closed from January 12, 2025.

With the construction of the Mondego Mobility System (SMM), the railway connection between Coimbra B and Coimbra stations (also known as Estação Nova) will be definitively deactivated. In this context, it is planned to suspend connections to Coimbra Station, starting on January 12, 2025, so that works to convert the railway channel to the solution can continue. Metrobus.

From that day onwards, and until the section of the SMM that will connect Portagem to Coimbra B comes into operation, Metro Mondego will ensure a road transfer system between the two stations. This system, which will be free for CP passengers, will have a stop next to each Station, in places that will be duly signposted.
The buses that will provide this service will be properly identified and there will be support staff to ensure the routing of passengers. The expected frequency is twelve buses per hour, during peak periods, decreasing slightly outside these periods, ensuring connection to all trains that currently arrive (or depart) from Coimbra Station and which will end at the station from Coimbra B.

The works on this section of the SMM, under the responsibility of IP, should be completed by the end of 2025, allowing Metrobus to provide, from that date, the connection between Portagem and Coimbra B.

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