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Reopening of Praça da República to traffic

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Following the work on the Aeminium – Hospital Pediátrico section of the Metrobus, under the responsibility of Infraestruturas de Portugal, circulation will be reopened this Thursday, October 31st, on the north side of Praça da República, on Rua Tenente Valadim and on the descending lane of Avenida Sá da Bandeira.
With the opening of these streets, road flows begin to take place as represented in the image. 
Thus, road traffic in Praça da República returns to the original situation, with traffic coming from Rua Alexandre Herculano or Rua Lourenço de Almeida Azevedo having to turn right when arriving at Praça da República.
To access Rua Padre António Vieira it is still necessary to go down Avenida Sá da Bandeira and reverse next to the intersection with Rua da Manutenção Militar.

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