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Traffic conditioning Avenida Sá da Bandeira

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As part of the development of construction work on the urban section of the Metrobus Avenida Aeminium – Hospital Pediátrico, under the responsibility of Infraestruturas de Portugal, from Tuesday, December 10th, circulation will be changed on the ascending lane of Avenida Sá da Bandeira .
The image shows the scheme of alternative road circuits during the intervention, which has an estimated duration of five months.
Thus, road traffic between Baixa and Praça da República will be along the descending lane of Avenida Sá da Bandeira, which will now have two traffic lanes (upward and downward).
The flow coming from Rua Tenente Valadim or Praça da República can go straight ahead – Avenida Sá da Bandeira – or turn left towards Rua Padre António Vieira or Praça da República.
Traffic traveling in an upward direction, from the Military Maintenance roundabout, will go up the descending lane of Avenida Sá da Bandeira, turning right towards Rua Padre António Vieira or towards Praça da República. 
Road traffic on Rua Olímpio Nicolau Rui Fernandes remains restricted to authorized vehicles.
With regard to rescue and emergency vehicles, local access, collection of urban solid waste, loading and unloading and people with reduced mobility, access to the areas affected by this intervention will be permitted according to the possibilities arising from the progress of the work.
The SMTUC stop located in the upward direction of Avenida Sá da Bandeira will be out of service, leaving the existing stop next to the Market and the existing stop next to the Teatro Académico Gil Vicente active. In the downward direction of Avenida Sá da Bandeira, the existing SMTUC shelter will be kept in operation.
The work to be carried out in this intervention is as follows:
• Interventions in Águas de Coimbra infrastructures, namely in the water supply, residual drainage and rainwater drainage networks;
• Implementation of public lighting infrastructures;
• SLAT (Automatic Traffic Lighting System);
• Road Technical Channel;
• Road paving and placement of curbstones;
• Urban Integration;
• Execution of sidewalk.
Considering the various constraints inherent to the work in progress, within the scope of the Metrobus infrastructure construction works, it is recommended to use navigation aids, such as Waze and Google Maps, where the constraints are inserted, thus being able to always know the best route in real time.

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